Hey, I'm Charlie!

With 4+ years machine learning experience, I will...

  • Create your AI models
    Each AI use case has a constrained solution space. Technological and user requirements determine the hypotheses most suitable for your task, it could be a LLM for text generation, an ensemble classifier to detect credit fraud, a regressor and scraper for dynamic pricing.
  • Build your MLOps pipelines
    You can have a great model, but that is only the beginning, usually 5-10% of the final project source code. I scale you from development to production, building your pipelines for data, models, deployment and monitoring using industry best practices.
  • Develop your platform
    Your AI models may need to be served to a variety of customers, stakeholders, employees. I build platforms to serve your AI to each target group, so that customers are happy, stakeholders are confident and employees are efficient.

  • Find your teams
    With the recent boom in AI, you may need to scale rapidly, and skilled engineers are scarce. Staff your projects and maximize your profits with applicants I reliably screen for you.
  • Upskill your developers
    New AI technologies and tools raise the state-of-the-art every day. I will train your existing developers to keep them ahead in the AI landscape.
  • Tend to stakeholders
    Stakeholders come inmany forms and can be difficult to manage. With different backgrounds, expectations will differ. I align expectations of stakeholders with your company through weekly meetings, progress reports and exercises.

"Charlie is a dependable AI engineer with a creative approach to problem-solving. He has a deep expertise in harnessing the capabilities of Language Model Transformers (LLMs) and adeptly navigates the complexities of fine-tuning, architecture design, and application development. He is a valuable asset to any team, combining skill and reliability to achieve tangible results in the field of AI engineering."

"Thanks to his quick comprehension, he was able to see even difficult situations immediately and, thanks to his good analytical skills and his practical orientation, quickly found good solutions, which he always implemented profitably."